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官区: 字面意思为政府区域 或 官员和区域, 指的是官方管辖的区域或者指官员所在的区域。 official region or official and region, referring to an officially administered area or the area where officials are located.
官屈: 字面意思为政府屈服 或 官员和屈服, 指的是官方委曲求全或者官员屈服。 official yield or official and yield, referring to officials yielding or an official submitting.
官驱: 字面意思为政府驱赶 或 官员驱赶, 指的是官方或官员驱逐,赶走。 official expulsion or official expels, referring to expulsion or driving away by officials or officers.
官躯: 字面意思为政府躯体 或 官员的身体, 指的是官员的身体。 official body or official's body, referring to the body of an official.
官岖: 字面意思为官方崎岖 或 官员在崎岖的道路上, 指的是道路的坎坷与不平坦和与官员或官方相关联。 official rugged or official on rugged road, referring to the unevenness and roughness of a road and its association with officials or the authorities.
官渠: 字面意思为官方渠道 或 官员的渠道, 指的是官方的途径、门路。 official channel or official's channel, referring to official ways and approaches.
官取: 字面意思为官方取得 或 官员拿取, 指的是官方获取、索取。 official obtain or official take, referring to officials obtaining or demanding.
官娶: 字面意思为官员娶妻 或 官方娶妻, 指的是官员或者官方人员娶妻。 official marry or official marries a wife, referring to an official or official personnel marrying a wife.
官曲: 字面意思为官方弯曲 或 官员唱曲, 可以理解为官方的弯曲政策 或 官员哼唱歌曲。 official bend or official sing song, can be understood as the official flexible policy or official humming a song.
官去: 字面意思为官员离去 或 官方去除, 可以理解为官员离开 或 官方去除某些事物。 official leave or official remove, can be understood as official leaving or official removing certain things.
官趣: 字面意思为官方趣味 或 官员的情趣, 指的是官方的兴趣爱好或者官员个人的情趣。 official interest or official's interest, referring to the hobbies and interests of the authorities or the personal interests and tastes of officials.
官觑: 字面意思为官方窥探 或 官员窥探, 指的是官方或者官员在暗中观察、窥探。 official peep or official peep, referring to officials or authorities secretly observing and spying.
观区: 字面意思为观看区域 或 景观区域, 指的是可以观看风景的区域或者用来观看的区域。 view area or scenery area, referring to an area where scenery can be viewed or an area used for viewing.
观屈: 字面意思为观看屈服 或 观看委屈, 可以理解为观看别人屈服的样子 或 观看某人感到委屈。 view yield or view feel wronged, can be understood as watching someone yield or watching someone feeling wronged.
观驱: 字面意思为观看驱赶 或 观看驱逐, 指的是观看驱赶、驱逐的行为。 watch expel or watch expulsion, referring to watching the act of expelling or driving away.
观躯: 字面意思为观看身体 或 观察躯体, 指的是观看人的身体或者观察身体。 view body or observe body, referring to viewing or observing the human body.
观岖: 字面意思为观看崎岖 或 在崎岖处观看, 指的是在崎岖不平的地方观看风景。 view rugged or view in rugged place, referring to viewing scenery in a rugged and uneven place.
观渠: 字面意思为观看渠道 或 景观渠道, 指的是观看渠道、沟渠 或 作为景观的渠道。 view channel or scenery channel, referring to viewing channels and ditches, or channels that serve as scenery.
观取: 字面意思为观看选取 或 观察采取, 指的是观看别人如何选取、取得东西 或者 观察并采取措施。 watch select or observe take, referring to watching how others select and obtain things, or observing and taking measures.
观娶: 字面意思为观看娶妻 或 观看结婚, 指的是观看婚礼 或 观看男子娶妻的行为。 watch marry or watch marriage, referring to watching a wedding ceremony or the act of a man marrying a wife.
观曲: 字面意思为观看弯曲 或 观看歌曲, 可以理解为观看弯曲的物体 或 观看表演歌曲、戏曲。 watch bend or watch song, can be understood as watching a bent object, or watching the performance of songs or operas.
观去: 字面意思为观看离去 或 观看逝去, 指的是观看离开的景象 或者 感叹时光流逝。 watch leave or watch pass, referring to watching the scene of departure or lamenting the passage of time.
观趣: 字面意思为观看趣味 或 欣赏情趣, 指的是欣赏趣味和情趣。 view interest or appreciate interest, referring to appreciating interest and taste.
观觑: 字面意思为观看窥探 或 观看偷偷地看, 指的是观看别人窥探的行为。 watch peep or watch secretly look, referring to watching others secretly looking or spying.
关区: 字面意思为关闭区域 或 关卡的区域, 指的是被关闭的区域 或 关卡所在的区域。 closed area or barrier area, referring to a closed area or the area where a barrier is located.
关屈: 字面意思为关闭屈服 或 关系屈服, 可以理解为封闭起来使之屈服 或者 某种关系上的屈服。 closed yield or relationship yield, can be understood as closing off to force submission, or yielding in a relationship.
关驱: 字面意思为关闭驱赶 或 关系驱离, 可以理解为封闭起来进行驱赶 或者 因某种关系而进行驱离。 closed expel or relationship expel, can be understood as closing off for expulsion or expulsion due to a certain relationship.
关躯: 字面意思为关心的身体 或 关闭身体, 可以理解为关心某人的身体状况 或者 封闭身体的某个部位。 care body or close body, can be understood as caring about someone's physical condition, or closing off a part of the body.
关岖: 字面意思为关卡崎岖 或 相关的崎岖, 指的是关卡所在的道路崎岖不平 或者 与某事相关的崎岖之处。 barrier rugged or related rugged, referring to the rugged and uneven road where the barrier is located, or the ruggedness related to something.
关渠: 字面意思为关卡渠道 或 相关的渠道, 指的是关卡所在的通道 或者 与某事相关的渠道、途径。 barrier channel or related channel, referring to the passage where the barrier is located, or the channels and ways related to something.
关取: 字面意思为关卡拿取 或 相关的选取, 可以理解为在关卡处索取、拿取东西 或者 与某事相关的选取、取得。 barrier take or related select, can be understood as demanding or taking things at a barrier, or selection and acquisition related to something.
关娶: 字面意思为关系娶妻 或 相关的娶妻, 可以理解为因某种关系而娶妻 或者 与某事相关的娶妻。 relationship marry or related marry, can be understood as marrying a wife due to a certain relationship, or marrying a wife related to something.
关曲: 字面意思为关系弯曲 或 相关的曲折, 可以理解为某种关系的弯曲、不直 或者 与某事相关的曲折、不顺利。 relationship bend or related bend, can be understood as the bending and crookedness of a relationship, or twists and turns and unsmoothness related to something.
关去: 字面意思为关系去除 或 关闭离去, 可以理解为解除某种关系 或者 关闭后离开。 relationship remove or close leave, can be understood as解除 a relationship, or leaving after closing.
关趣: 字面意思为相关的趣味 或 关心的趣味, 指的是与某事相关的趣味 或者 关心的趣味爱好。 related interest or care interest, referring to interests related to something or hobbies and interests that are cared about.
关觑: 字面意思为关心的窥探 或 相关的窥探, 指的是关心的窥探行为 或者 与某事相关的窥探。 care peep or related peep, referring to the act of caring about peeping, or peeping related to something.
倌区: 字面意思为牲口区域 或 饲养员区域, 指的是饲养牲口的区域 或 饲养员所在的区域。 livestock area or herdsman area, referring to the area for raising livestock or the area where herdsmen are located.
倌屈: 字面意思为饲养员屈服 或 牲口屈服, 可以理解为饲养员屈服于某种力量 或者 牲口感到委屈或屈服。 herdsman yield or livestock yield, can be understood as a herdsman yielding to some force or livestock feeling wronged or yielding.
倌驱: 字面意思为饲养员驱赶 或 驱赶牲口, 指的是饲养员驱赶牲口 或者 驱赶饲养员。 herdsman expel or expel livestock, referring to a herdsman driving away livestock, or driving away a herdsman.
倌躯: 字面意思为饲养员身体 或 牲口身体, 指的是饲养员的身体 或者 牲畜的身体。 herdsman body or livestock body, referring to the body of a herdsman or the body of livestock.
倌岖: 字面意思为饲养员崎岖 或 牲口在崎岖处, 指的是饲养员在崎岖的道路上行走 或者 牲口在崎岖不平的地方。 herdsman rugged or livestock in rugged place, referring to a herdsman walking on a rugged road, or livestock in a rugged and uneven place.
倌渠: 字面意思为饲养员渠道 或 牲口渠道, 指的是饲养员的途径、门路 或者 牲口饮水的水渠。 herdsman channel or livestock channel, referring to the ways and approaches of a herdsman, or the water channel for livestock to drink.
倌取: 字面意思为饲养员拿取 或 牲口获取, 指的是饲养员拿取东西 或者 牲口获取食物、饮水。 herdsman take or livestock obtain, referring to a herdsman taking things, or livestock obtaining food and water.
倌娶: 字面意思为饲养员娶妻 或 牲口娶妻, 理论上牲口不会娶妻,可以理解为以饲养员的身份娶妻。 herdsman marry or livestock marry, theoretically livestock will not marry, can be understood as marrying as a herdsman. (通常不用于描述实际情况,更偏向于字面组合的理解)
倌曲: 字面意思为饲养员唱曲 或 牲口弯曲, 可以理解为饲养员哼唱歌曲 或者 牲口身体弯曲。 herdsman sing song or livestock bend, can be understood as a herdsman humming a song, or the body of livestock bending.
倌去: 字面意思为饲养员离去 或 牲口离去, 指的是饲养员离开 或者 牲口被赶走或跑开。 herdsman leave or livestock leave, referring to a herdsman leaving, or livestock being driven away or running away.
倌趣: 字面意思为饲养员的趣味 或 牲口的趣味, 指的是饲养员的兴趣爱好 或者 描述牲口表现出的某种趣味。 herdsman interest or livestock interest, referring to the hobbies and interests of herdsmen, or describing a certain interest expressed by livestock.
倌觑: 字面意思为饲养员窥探 或 牲口窥探, 指的是饲养员在暗中观察 或者 描述牲口偷偷地看。 herdsman peep or livestock peep, referring to a herdsman secretly observing, or describing livestock secretly looking.
纶区: 字面意思为钓鱼线区域 或 丝线区域, 指的是与钓鱼线相关的区域 或者 丝线所在的区域。 fishing line area or silk thread area, referring to the area related to fishing lines or the area where silk threads are located.
纶屈: 字面意思为钓鱼线弯曲 或 丝线弯曲, 指的是钓鱼线或者丝线是弯曲的。 fishing line bend or silk thread bend, referring to the bending of a fishing line or silk thread.
纶驱: 字面意思为丝线驱使, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为丝线被用来驱动某种事物。 silk thread drive, the literal meaning is rather abstract, it can be understood as silk thread being used to drive something.
纶躯: 字面意思为丝线身体, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为用丝线缠绕身体 或者 丝线像身体一样。 silk thread body, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as wrapping the body with silk thread, or silk thread being like a body.
纶岖: 字面意思为丝线崎岖, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为丝线所在的道路崎岖 或者 丝线本身不平整。 silk thread rugged, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as the road where silk thread is located is rugged, or silk thread itself is uneven.
纶渠: 字面意思为丝线渠道, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为用丝线制作的渠道 或者 像丝线一样细长的渠道。 silk thread channel, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as a channel made of silk thread, or a channel that is as slender as silk thread.
纶取: 字面意思为丝线选取, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为选取丝线 或者 用丝线来选取东西。 silk thread select, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as selecting silk thread, or using silk thread to select things.
纶娶: 字面意思为丝线娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象, 理论上丝线不可能娶妻, 此组合无实际意义。 silk thread marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically silk thread cannot marry, this combination has no practical meaning.
纶曲: 字面意思为丝线弯曲 或 丝线歌曲, 可以理解为丝线是弯曲的 或者 用丝线来演奏歌曲(不常见)。 silk thread bend or silk thread song, can be understood as silk thread being bent or using silk thread to play a song (uncommon).
纶去: 字面意思为丝线离去 或 丝线去除, 可以理解为丝线消失了 或者 去除丝线。 silk thread leave or silk thread remove, can be understood as silk thread disappearing, or removing silk thread.
纶趣: 字面意思为丝线趣味, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为与丝线相关的趣味 或者 丝线本身带来的趣味。 silk thread interest, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as the interest related to silk thread, or the interest brought by silk thread itself.
纶觑: 字面意思为丝线窥探, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义。 silk thread peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning.
管区: 字面意思为管理区域 或 管道区域, 指的是管理的区域 或者 管道所在的区域。 manage area or tube area, referring to the area under management or the area where pipelines are located.
管屈: 字面意思为管理屈服 或 管道弯曲, 可以理解为管理上做出妥协、屈服 或者 管道发生了弯曲。 manage yield or tube bend, can be understood as making compromises or yielding in management, or a tube bending.
管驱: 字面意思为管理驱赶 或 管道驱动, 可以理解为通过管理手段进行驱赶 或者 利用管道进行驱动。 manage expel or tube drive, can be understood as expelling through management means, or driving by using tubes/pipes.
管躯: 字面意思为管理的身体 或 管道躯体, 字面意思比较抽象,可以理解为管理的体系或架构 或者 管道的实体部分。 manage body or tube body, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as the system or structure of management, or the physical part of a tube/pipe.
管岖: 字面意思为管道崎岖 或 管理崎岖, 可以理解为管道铺设的道路崎岖 或者 管理之路坎坷不平。 tube rugged or manage rugged, can be understood as the road where pipes are laid being rugged, or the path of management being bumpy and uneven.
管渠: 字面意思为管道渠道 或 管理渠道, 指的是输送管道的通道 或者 管理的途径、方法。 tube channel or manage channel, referring to the passage of transportation pipelines, or management approaches and methods.
管取: 字面意思为管理选取 或 管道取用, 可以理解为管理上进行选择、采纳 或者 从管道中取用。 manage select or tube take, can be understood as making choices and adopting them in management, or taking from a tube/pipe.
管娶: 字面意思为管理娶妻 或 管道娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,理论上管道不可能娶妻, 此组合无实际意义。 manage marry or tube marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically pipelines cannot marry, this combination has no practical meaning.
管曲: 字面意思为管道弯曲 或 管理歌曲, 可以理解为管道发生弯曲 或者 管理层唱歌曲(不常见)。 tube bend or manage song, can be understood as a pipe bending, or management singing songs (uncommon).
管去: 字面意思为管理去除 或 管道去除, 可以理解为去除管理上的弊端 或者 移除管道。 manage remove or tube remove, can be understood as removing management drawbacks, or removing pipes/tubes.
管趣: 字面意思为管理的趣味 或 管道的趣味, 可以理解为管理的乐趣所在 或者 与管道相关的趣味。 manage interest or tube interest, can be understood as the fun of management, or interest related to pipelines.
管觑: 字面意思为管道窥探 或 通过管道窥视, 指的是通过管道进行窥视,偷看。 tube peep or peep through tube, referring to peeping and secretly looking through a tube/pipe.
馆区: 字面意思为馆所区域, 指的是宾馆、饭馆等场所所在的区域。 building area, referring to the area where buildings like guesthouses and restaurants are located.
馆屈: 字面意思为馆所委屈 或 宾馆委屈, 可以理解为在馆所里感到委屈 或者 宾馆服务让客人感到委屈。 building feel wronged or guesthouse feel wronged, can be understood as feeling wronged in a building/guesthouse, or guesthouse services making guests feel wronged.
馆驱: 字面意思为馆所驱逐 或 驱逐出馆, 指的是从宾馆、饭馆等场所被驱逐出去。 building expel or expel from building, referring to being expelled from buildings like guesthouses and restaurants.
馆躯: 字面意思为馆所躯体 或 建筑主体, 字面意思较为抽象,可以理解为建筑物的主体结构。 building body or building main body, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as the main structure of a building.
馆岖: 字面意思为馆所崎岖 或 建筑周围崎岖, 指的是建筑周围的地形崎岖不平。 building rugged or building surrounding rugged, referring to the rugged and uneven terrain around a building.
馆渠: 字面意思为馆所渠道, 字面意思较为抽象, 可以理解为建筑内部的通道、渠道 或者 馆所的信息传播渠道。 building channel, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be understood as the internal passages and channels of a building, or information dissemination channels of a building.
馆取: 字面意思为馆所取用, 指的是在宾馆、饭馆等场所取用物品或者服务。 building take, referring to taking items or services in places like guesthouses and restaurants.
馆娶: 字面意思为馆所娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,理论上馆所不可能娶妻, 此组合无实际意义。 building marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically buildings cannot marry, this combination has no practical meaning.
馆曲: 字面意思为馆所歌曲 或 在馆所唱曲, 可以理解为在宾馆、饭馆等场所听到歌曲、戏曲。 building song or sing song in building, can be understood as hearing songs or operas in places like guesthouses and restaurants.
馆去: 字面意思为离开馆所 或 馆所去除, 可以理解为离开宾馆、饭馆等场所 或者 撤销馆所。 leave building or building remove, can be understood as leaving buildings like guesthouses and restaurants, or canceling/removing a building.
馆趣: 字面意思为馆所趣味 或 馆所的情趣, 指的是宾馆、饭馆等场所的环境氛围所带来的情趣。 building interest or building interest, referring to the atmosphere of buildings like guesthouses and restaurants bringing interest.
馆觑: 字面意思为馆所窥探, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义。 building peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand practical meaning.
惯区: 字面意思为习惯区域 或 惯例区域, 指的是某种习惯盛行的区域 或者 形成惯例的区域。 habit area or convention area, referring to an area where a certain habit is prevalent or an area where conventions are formed.
惯屈: 字面意思为习惯屈服 或 惯常屈服, 可以理解为习惯性地屈服 或者 惯例上会屈服。 habit yield or habitual yield, can be understood as habitually yielding, or conventionally yielding.
惯驱: 字面意思为习惯驱赶 或 惯例驱逐, 可以理解为习惯性地驱赶 或者 按照惯例进行驱逐。 habit expel or convention expel, can be understood as habitually expelling, or expelling according to convention.
惯躯: 字面意思为习惯的身体, 指的是身体已经习惯于某种状态或动作。 habit body, referring to the body being accustomed to a certain state or movement.
惯岖: 字面意思为习惯崎岖 或 惯常崎岖, 字面意思比较抽象,可以勉强理解为习惯了崎岖的道路。 habit rugged or habitual rugged, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as being accustomed to rugged roads.
惯渠: 字面意思为习惯渠道 或 惯例渠道, 指的是习惯上使用的渠道 或者 按照惯例使用的途径。 habit channel or convention channel, referring to channels used habitually, or channels used according to convention.
惯取: 字面意思为习惯选取 或 惯例采取, 可以理解为习惯性地选择、拿取 或者 按照惯例采取行动。 habit select or convention take, can be understood as habitually selecting and taking, or taking action according to convention.
惯娶: 字面意思为习惯娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,此组合无实际意义。 habit marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, this combination has no practical meaning.
惯曲: 字面意思为习惯弯曲 或 惯常曲折, 可以理解为习惯性的弯腰屈膝 或者 事情发展惯常比较曲折。 habit bend or habitual bend, can be understood as habitually bending over, or things developing in a habitually twisted way.
惯去: 字面意思为习惯离去 或 惯常离去, 可以理解为习惯性地离开某个地方 或者 按照惯例会离去。 habit leave or habitual leave, can be understood as habitually leaving a place, or leaving according to convention.
惯趣: 字面意思为习惯趣味 或 惯常情趣, 指的是习惯性的兴趣爱好 或者 惯常表现出的情趣。 habit interest or habitual interest, referring to habitual hobbies and interests, or habitual taste.
惯觑: 字面意思为习惯窥探 或 惯常窥视, 可以理解为习惯性地偷看、窥探 或者 按照惯例会进行窥探。 habit peep or habitual peep, can be understood as habitually peeping and spying, or peeping according to convention.
冠区: 字面意思为帽子区域 或 冠军区域, 指的是帽子销售区域 或者 冠军所管辖的区域(引申意义)。 hat area or champion area, referring to an area for selling hats or the area governed by a champion (extended meaning).
冠屈: 字面意思为帽子弯曲 或 冠军屈服, 可以理解为帽子被压弯变形 或者 冠军最终屈服于对手。 hat bend or champion yield, can be understood as a hat being bent and deformed, or a champion eventually yielding to an opponent.
冠驱: 字面意思为帽子驱赶 或 冠军驱使, 字面意思比较抽象,可以勉强理解为用帽子驱赶 或者 冠军驱使他人。 hat expel or champion drive, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as using a hat to expel, or a champion driving others.
冠躯: 字面意思为帽子躯体 或 冠军身体, 指的是帽子的实体 或者 冠军的身体。 hat body or champion body, referring to the physical entity of a hat, or the body of a champion.
冠岖: 字面意思为帽子崎岖 或 冠军崎岖之路, 字面意思比较抽象, 可以引申为获得冠军的道路崎岖不平。 hat rugged or champion rugged road, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be extended to mean the road to becoming a champion is rugged and uneven.
冠渠: 字面意思为帽子渠道 或 冠军渠道, 字面意思比较抽象, 可以勉强理解为销售帽子的渠道 或者 冠军获取资源的渠道。 hat channel or champion channel, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as channels for selling hats, or channels for champions to obtain resources.
冠取: 字面意思为帽子选取 或 冠军取得, 指的是选择帽子 或者 冠军获得胜利、取得成就。 hat select or champion obtain, referring to selecting hats, or champions winning and achieving success.
冠娶: 字面意思为帽子娶妻 或 冠军娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,可以引申理解为获得冠军般的荣耀和迎娶妻子。 hat marry or champion marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, can be extended to understand as gaining champion-like glory and marrying a wife.
冠曲: 字面意思为帽子歌曲 或 冠军歌曲, 可以理解为帽子相关的歌曲 (不常见) 或者 赞扬冠军的歌曲。 hat song or champion song, can be understood as songs related to hats (uncommon), or songs praising champions.
冠去: 字面意思为帽子去除 或 冠军离去, 可以理解为摘下帽子 或者 冠军离开赛场、舞台。 hat remove or champion leave, can be understood as taking off a hat, or a champion leaving the arena or stage.
冠趣: 字面意思为帽子的趣味 或 冠军的趣味, 指的是帽子本身的设计趣味 或者 冠军个人的兴趣爱好。 hat interest or champion interest, referring to the design interest of hats themselves, or the personal hobbies and interests of champions.
冠觑: 字面意思为帽子窥探 或 冠军窥探, 字面意思非常抽象, 可以勉强理解为用帽子遮掩进行窥探 或者 冠军暗中观察对手。 hat peep or champion peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, can be勉强 understood as peeping by using a hat to cover up, or a champion secretly observing opponents.
罐区: 字面意思为罐子区域 或 罐装区, 指的是销售罐子的区域 或者 进行罐装的区域。 jar area or canning area, referring to an area for selling jars or an area for canning.
罐屈: 字面意思为罐子弯曲 或 罐头变质, 可以理解为罐子被压变形 或者 罐头食品变质腐败 (引申意义)。 jar bend or can spoil, can be understood as a jar being deformed, or canned food spoiling (extended meaning).
罐驱: 字面意思为罐子驱赶, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义。 jar expel, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning.
罐躯: 字面意思为罐子躯体 或 罐身, 指的是罐子的主体部分、罐身。 jar body or can body, referring to the main part of a jar, the can body.
罐岖: 字面意思为罐子崎岖, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义,或者可以勉强理解为罐子表面不平整。 jar rugged, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as the surface of a jar being uneven.
罐渠: 字面意思为罐子渠道 或 罐装渠道, 字面意思比较抽象,可以勉强理解为销售罐子的渠道 或者 罐装产品的销售渠道。 jar channel or canning channel, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as channels for selling jars, or sales channels for canned products.
罐取: 字面意思为罐子选取 或 罐装提取, 指的是选择罐子 或者 从罐装产品中提取东西。 jar select or can extract, referring to selecting jars, or extracting things from canned products.
罐娶: 字面意思为罐子娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,理论上罐子不可能娶妻, 此组合无实际意义。 jar marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically jars cannot marry, this combination has no practical meaning.
罐曲: 字面意思为罐子歌曲 或 罐头歌曲, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义,或者可以勉强理解为与罐子或者罐头相关的歌曲 (不常见)。 jar song or can song, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as songs related to jars or canned goods (uncommon).
罐去: 字面意思为罐子去除 或 罐头吃完, 可以理解为丢弃空罐子 或者 吃光罐头食品。 jar remove or can finish eating, can be understood as discarding empty jars, or eating up canned food.
罐趣: 字面意思为罐子的趣味 或 罐头的趣味, 字面意思比较抽象, 可以勉强理解为罐子或者罐头的设计上的趣味。 jar interest or can interest, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as the design interest of jars or canned goods.
罐觑: 字面意思为罐子窥探, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义。 jar peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning.
贯区: 字面意思为贯穿区域 或 贯通区域, 指的是贯穿整个区域 或者 彼此贯通的区域。 penetrate area or through area, referring to penetrating the entire area or areas that are interconnected.
贯屈: 字面意思为贯穿弯曲 或 连贯屈服, 可以理解为贯穿的物体发生了弯曲 或者 连贯性地屈服。 penetrate bend or continuous yield, can be understood as a penetrating object bending, or continuously yielding.
贯驱: 字面意思为贯穿驱赶 或 连贯驱使, 字面意思比较抽象, 可以勉强理解为驱赶着使其贯穿 或者 连贯性地驱使。 penetrate expel or continuous drive, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as expelling to make it penetrate or continuously driving.
贯躯: 字面意思为贯穿身体 或 连贯身体, 可以理解为物体贯穿身体 或者 身体是连贯的整体。 penetrate body or continuous body, can be understood as an object penetrating the body or the body being a continuous whole.
贯岖: 字面意思为贯穿崎岖, 字面意思非常抽象, 可以勉强理解为贯穿崎岖不平的道路。 penetrate rugged, the literal meaning is very abstract, can be勉强 understood as penetrating a rugged and uneven road.
贯渠: 字面意思为贯穿渠道 或 连贯渠道, 指的是贯穿的渠道 或者 彼此连贯的渠道系统。 penetrate channel or continuous channel, referring to penetrating channels, or interconnected channel systems.
贯取: 字面意思为贯穿选取 或 连贯取得, 可以理解为从头到尾的选取 或者 连贯性地取得成果。 penetrate select or continuous obtain, can be understood as selecting from beginning to end, or continuously achieving results.
贯娶: 字面意思为贯穿娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,理论上“贯穿”和“娶妻”无实际联系, 此组合无实际意义。 penetrate marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically "penetrate" and "marry" have no practical connection, this combination has no practical meaning.
贯曲: 字面意思为贯穿歌曲 或 连贯曲调, 字面意思比较抽象,可以勉强理解为歌曲贯穿全场 (不常见) 或者 曲调连贯流畅。 penetrate song or continuous melody, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as a song penetrating the whole venue (uncommon), or a melody being continuous and smooth.
贯去: 字面意思为贯穿离去 或 连贯去除, 可以理解为贯穿后离去 或者 连贯性地去除。 penetrate leave or continuous remove, can be understood as leaving after penetrating or continuously removing.
贯趣: 字面意思为贯穿趣味 或 连贯情趣, 字面意思比较抽象, 可以勉强理解为趣味贯穿始终 或者 情趣是连贯的、一脉相承的。 penetrate interest or continuous interest, the literal meaning is rather abstract, can be勉强 understood as interest running through from beginning to end, or interest being continuous and consistent.
贯觑: 字面意思为贯穿窥探, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义。 penetrate peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning.
盥区: 字面意思为洗漱区域, 指的是洗手洗脸的区域。 wash area, referring to the area for washing hands and faces.
盥屈: 字面意思为洗漱屈身, 指的是洗手洗脸时弯腰屈身。 wash bend body, referring to bending down when washing hands and faces.
盥驱: 字面意思为洗漱驱除, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义, 或者可以勉强理解为通过洗漱来驱除污秽。 wash expel, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as expelling dirt through washing.
盥躯: 字面意思为洗漱身体 或 洗漱仪容, 指的是清洗身体仪容。 wash body or wash appearance, referring to washing body and appearance.
盥岖: 字面意思为洗漱崎岖, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义, 或者可以勉强理解为在崎岖的地方洗漱。 wash rugged, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as washing up in a rugged place.
盥渠: 字面意思为洗漱渠道, 指的是洗漱用水的渠道。 wash channel, referring to the channel for washing water.
盥取: 字面意思为洗漱取水, 指的是取水进行洗漱。 wash take water, referring to taking water for washing.
盥娶: 字面意思为洗漱娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,理论上洗漱和娶妻无实际联系, 此组合无实际意义。 wash marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically washing and marrying have no practical connection, this combination has no practical meaning.
盥曲: 字面意思为洗漱歌曲, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义, 或者可以勉强理解为洗漱时哼唱歌曲(不常见)。 wash song, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as humming a song while washing (uncommon).
盥去: 字面意思为洗漱离去, 指的是洗漱完毕后离开。 wash leave, referring to leaving after washing up.
盥趣: 字面意思为洗漱趣味, 指的是在洗漱过程中体验到的乐趣。 wash interest, referring to the fun experienced during washing.
盥觑: 字面意思为洗漱窥探, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义。 wash peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning.
灌区: 字面意思为灌溉区域 或 浇灌区域, 指的是进行灌溉的区域。 irrigate area or watering area, referring to an area for irrigation.
灌屈: 字面意思为灌溉屈服 或 浇灌弯曲, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义,或者可以勉强理解为被水灌溉的植物弯曲了。 irrigate yield or watering bend, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as plants bending from being watered.
灌驱: 字面意思为灌溉驱赶, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义,或者可以勉强理解为通过灌溉来驱赶某些生物 (不常见)。 irrigate expel, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as expelling certain organisms through irrigation (uncommon).
灌躯: 字面意思为灌溉身体 或 注入身体, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义, 或者可以勉强理解为给身体注入水分或液体。 irrigate body or pour into body, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as injecting water or liquid into the body.
灌岖: 字面意思为灌溉崎岖, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义, 或者可以勉强理解为在崎岖的地方进行灌溉。 irrigate rugged, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as irrigating in a rugged place.
灌渠: 字面意思为灌溉渠道 或 浇灌渠, 指的是用于灌溉的水渠。 irrigate channel or watering channel, referring to channels used for irrigation.
灌取: 字面意思为灌溉取水, 指的是为了灌溉而取水。 irrigate take water, referring to taking water for irrigation.
灌娶: 字面意思为灌溉娶妻, 字面意思非常抽象,理论上灌溉和娶妻无实际联系, 此组合无实际意义。 irrigate marry, the literal meaning is very abstract, theoretically irrigation and marriage have no practical connection, this combination has no practical meaning.
灌曲: 字面意思为灌溉歌曲, 字面意思非常抽象, 难以理解实际意义,或者可以勉强理解为在灌溉时唱歌(不常见)。 irrigate song, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as singing while irrigating (uncommon).
灌去: 字面意思为灌溉去除, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义,或者可以勉强理解为通过灌溉来去除旱情等。 irrigate remove, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning, or can be勉强 understood as removing drought etc. through irrigation.
灌趣: 字面意思为灌溉趣味, 字面意思非常抽象,可以勉强理解为在灌溉过程中体验到的乐趣。 irrigate interest, the literal meaning is very abstract, can be勉强 understood as the interest experienced in the process of irrigation.
灌觑: 字面意思为灌溉窥探, 字面意思非常抽象,难以理解实际意义。 irrigate peep, the literal meaning is very abstract, difficult to understand the practical meaning.